We are raising our disabled son on the mission field

By Karis Koehn | Mozambique in Southern Africa

Jojo Aged 9.

My husband and I were both raised as kids of mission workers in Brazil, where we saw children with disabilities being raised in the mission field. This influenced us when our own son, Joseph, was born in Mozambique with a brain condition. Though we were initially unaware of the severity, by six weeks, we learned he was missing part of his brain. The doctors couldn’t predict his development, but we were grateful to be close to South Africa, where we could access good medical care and therapy.

Joseph was 3 when we moved into a village setting. Soon after, when I began homeschooling Joseph’s older brother, I asked a young lady in the community who seemed very patient if she would be willing to work with our son half days during the week. She agreed. She patiently worked with Joseph and 22 years later she continues to do so, allowing me to be involved in other activities.

Jojo at home.

In terms of Joseph being part of our family here in Mozambique, we believe and trust that God has used him and our interaction with him as a testimony in the community. Although he is unable to walk on his own, we have not hidden him away. And though Joseph has very few words, he loves to sing. So, as we walk together in the neighborhood each day, I sing with him, and we seek to interact with others. Though he has sad and happy days, he generally loves being around people. It is good to see neighbourhood children lovingly interact with him. We are blessed by how women from church also interact with him. They greet him, sing with him, and hold his hand. They take notice of him.

A special needs teacher who visited us was amazed at how well Joseph was accepted. She had seen many African communities react with fear to those with disabilities, often hiding them away, but in our village, people were compassionate.

There have been difficult moments, like when we faced stares from strangers or when children ran away in fear. Once, a pastor even tried to exorcise a demon from Joseph. It was upsetting, but we trust that God’s truth surrounds him, and we continue to raise him with love and faith.

Joseph is now 25, and though our lives are altered by his needs: whether it’s in our day-to-day routines, the logistics of travel, or caring for his special needs - we are filled with grace. These are some of the realities of our life, and it is OK. God has given us grace upon grace. I live much more dependent on my Lord than I would otherwise because I need His help each day in obvious ways.  It is a privilege to serve our Lord, and as we serve and love our Joseph, we are serving Him as well. 

Our Lord knows the work He has for us, whether in Mozambique or during our time in the US on home assignment. Through His sovereignty, we trust that His work is fulfilled more fully as we care for our son in different settings. I am grateful for the constant reminder of my need for Him, as I know I would have relied too much on my own strength otherwise.

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