
We desire to see the number of inquiries for missionary service grow through the strategic use of social media. Our goals are to increase online inquiries to two per day and to grow online giving from 40 to 60 percent of our total donations.

We believe these goals can be achieved by the more effective use of social media, which reaches out to GO-ers and GIVE-ers. Through providing continual, consistent information, storytelling, and promotion of our ministry opportunities through social media, more people will have the opportunity to engage in God’s work and be inspired to serve through going and giving.



We are seeking a dedicated staff person or consultant to train and mentor new members in their communication.


We are seeking a dedicated staff person or consultant to train and mentor new members in their communication.


Pray that we may engage the right staff person or hire the best social media agency to perform this role.


Pray that we may engage the right staff person or hire the best social media agency to perform this role.

SIM Asset Publisher Portlet

Asset Publisher

SIM Asset Publisher Portlet

Asset Publisher

Other Ministries from this Country

Church Engagement

SIM Canada is embarking on a long-term strategy to boost missionarynumbers in our churches through several objectives.

Church Engagement

Reconocer que las organizaciones misioneras necesitan re-comprometer a la iglesia, el SIM de Canadá está embarcándose en una estrategia a largo plazo para impulsar los números de misioneros por medio de varios objetivos par alas Iglesias que actualmente tienen relaciones con misioneros del SIM.