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We want to see an increasing number of churches equipped to train, send, and sustain ministry workers focused on making disciples of those living and dying without the gospel.
Chile, South & Central America
Long term (+2 years)
Entrusted: Disability & Mission
Our aim is to raise awareness of people with disability in the community and in the church. Moreover, it seeks to enable and equip local disability ministries within SIM, develop and provide theological education/training in disability theology and ministry, and support SIM entities (and/or mission organisations in general) in becoming “disability confident”. A key part of the ministry objectives will be to recruit a team passionate about seeing the vision of the ministry fulfilled
Global, Pacific Asia
Any duration
Theological Education
SIM Ethiopia's theological education ministry focuses on equipping emerging church leaders with a biblical worldview of the mission of God in Christ from creation to new creation, and training to rightly handle and minister the Scriptures, that they might lead this Church into growth that results in passionate participation in the mission of God.
Ethiopia, East and Central Africa
Any duration
Leadership & Administration
We want to offer administrative assistance to the director and to the mission workers and ministries in Madagascar. We also want to strengthen church mission collaboration and develop leadership in the entity, churches and mission. We are looking to recruit gifted administrators and those who may have served in positions of leadership.
Madagascar, Southern Africa
Mid term (1 to 2 years)
Long term (+2 years)
OneLife Africa
OneLife Africa (OLA) focuses on the next generation of young leaders in high school, colleges and universities. OLA offers educational support to bright and needy students, discipling them through life decisions and equipping them to serve Christ in their spheres of influence. The OLA youth campus based in Kabarak, Nakuru County, runs holiday camps for high school, college and university students as well as a three to six=month residential gap-year programme for pre-university students. The six evangelistic camps per year occur over the Kenya high school holiday breaks. Camps are open to sponsored OLA students, young people from partnering churches and communities. The LEAD gap year programme draws young leaders who have demonstrated leadership potential and want to grow in their faith in Christ. An estimated 700 students will come through the OLA youth campus each year.
Kenya, East and Central Africa
Long term (+2 years)
Eleventh Hour Network
Both the Coastal Region and Northern Kenya are least reached with the gospel and desperately need cross-cultural ministry workers. Eleventh Hour Network seeks to awaken Kenyan churches to the opportunity of propagating the gospel in these regions and beyond. The ministry promotes mission activity within local churches and encourages the churches to take the gospel to the nearby least reached people groups. We build ministry networks, train the local pastors and evangelists to catalyse local mission and church planting.
East and Central Africa
Long term (+2 years)
Supporting Kenyan Nomadic Churches
Formerly named 'Equipping Kenyan Churches for Mission', this ministry engages Kenyan churches through training and resource mobilisation to create committed and accountable partners.
Kenya, East and Central Africa
Long term (+2 years)
Sports Friends Senegal
The Sports Friends staff train local church-based coaching teams with the goal that they will eventually become sustainable sports ministry programmes fully managed and funded by the church. Our goal is to train and equip the Senegalese church in a sustainable, reproducible way that will allow the local churches to impact their communities for years to come.
Senegal, West Africa
Any duration
Asian Diaspora Ministry
We are reaching out to unreached Asian communities in Malawi with the gospel in order to bring them to the saving knowledge of Christ and making disciples with the aim of forming a worshipping and missional community.
Malawi, Southern Africa
Any duration
Indian Diaspora Ministry
The Indian Diaspora ministry seeks to proclaim the Gospel to the unreached Indian communities in Malawi in order to bring them to the saving knowledge of Christ and to make disciples with the aim of forming a worshipping and missional community.
Malawi, Southern Africa
Long term (+2 years)
Evangelism through Community Development
Combat poverty. Educate. Reach the unreached. Change lives. We are utilizing various methods to engage with locals, both in the city and in the village, with "tools" to meet their needs while opening the door for relationships and direct gospel teaching, and eventually, new communities of believers. One of our main ministry efforts is Foundations for Farming. Come work with us and expand its reach. The fruit and tremendous impact of this ministry is incredible and we have seen life-changing fruit over and over among the communities where we have worked. It is more than a presentation. Other ventures are palliative and hospice care, youth sports ministry, tutoring, and TESOL.
Mozambique, Southern Africa
Mid term (1 to 2 years)
Discipler of Disciples
We are focused on reaching the un-reached people of the north in Mozambique so this role is designed to train Bible students (pastors and youth) to evangelise and plant churches among the unreached who surround the city. The discipleship and training will be among churches that need to have that vision, or among small and young Yao churches dotted in and around Lichinga. More than anything, they need encouragement and good biblical discipleship. This fits perfectly into our strategy. This work can either be based in urban or rural areas providing flexibility. Learning a local language will most likely be the best option, although working in the city can be done with Portuguese alone. This is a role for someone who loves relationship building, small group settings, and grass root efforts. God is moving in these areas, so the time is right.
Mozambique, Southern Africa
Long term (+2 years)
Showing 1 to 12 of 227 entries.