By prayer is SIM’s motto because it is truly by prayer that we praise God, seek His direction, request resources, and call upon the Holy Spirit to empower our ministries. By Prayer is a call to action emphasizing important work to be done. We must intercede for those living outside of a saving relationship with Jesus, many of whom have never heard His name.
Please pray for:
Effective people development, as we seek to be disciples who make disciples.
Effective mentoring and disciple-making at all levels of leadership, and especially for wisdom in encouraging SIM’s developing leaders.
Good leadership and care for our teams, who do vital coordination and support work in the areas of personnel, finance, projects, communications, archives, operations, administrative support, and information systems.
More workers to join SIM and serve the Lord through sharing the good news of Jesus Christ and making disciples.
More partners to pray fervently for SIM workers and ministries.
More partners to give faithfully to help SIM thrive and grow so that we can continue to share the gospel with communities where Christ is least known.