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Transforming Unreached Communities through Development

We need people who are passionate about community development and justice and have a heart for unreached people. If you are a project manager, social worker, disability worker, community health worker, psychologist, physical therapist or development specialist than there is a place for you in either rural or urban contexts across North Africa. A willingness to learn Arabic is essential in this ministry. A competence in French will be helpful.

Middle East-North Africa-Central Asia

Any duration

Leadership & Services of SIM Latinoamerica

1. Strengthen the Board of Directors and their governance services. 2. Strengthen the operations of the SIM Latinoamerica sending entity. 3. Train, develop and empower our personnel department in all of its areas. 4. Partner with the church and local sending organizations in the training, sending and caring of long-term Latino workers. 5. Facilitate strategies that will enable new missionaries to be successful especially in their first term.

Latinoamerica, South & Central America

Long term (+2 years)

Communications, Church mobilization and recruitment

Communicate about SIM, its field ministry opportunities as well as God's plan for global mission. We offer workshops, conferences, printed and online resources for churches and their leaders through websites, videos and social networking.

Latinoamerica, South & Central America

Long term (+2 years)

People Care and Development

To develop a coherent and coordinated model that facilitates sustainable growth of SIM SA personnel and workers, through mentoring, skills development, multi-cultural training and leadership development.

South Africa, Southern Africa

Any duration

Gospel Outreach

To implement a well thought-out ministry model to make disciples in the communities where Jesus is least known, through existing church partnerships or pioneering church planting.

South Africa, Southern Africa

Any duration

Community Development

To implement well-planned and positive actions that address the felt and actual needs within communities and bring about positive transformation.

South Africa, Southern Africa

Any duration

Church Engagement

To develop a well thought-out model for Christian ministry personnel development, missional leadership development and theological education.

South Africa, Southern Africa

Any duration

Healthcare Ministry

Our healthcare ministry builds the capacity of healthcare workers to holistically care for the spiritual, physical, and emotional needs of Malawi’s most vulnerable and unreached populations.

Malawi, Southern Africa

Mid term (1 to 2 years)

Specializing Local Ministry Leaders

Specialised seminary vocational training for leaders in: counselling, next generation, worship, local church and cross-cultural ministries. This training will enable ministry leaders to be more effective in reaching people in their own nation and beyond their borders. The ministry language is Spanish.

Uruguay, South & Central America

Mid term (1 to 2 years)
Long term (+2 years)

Community Outreach and Discipleship

Reach out in the community to see people responding to the gospel and being discipled into local churches.

Thailand, Pacific Asia

Long term (+2 years)

Children's Ministry - Outreach & Capacity Building

This ministry seeks to equip children's ministry workers to effectively disciple the emerging generation in the churches in Malawi. We are always looking for those with experience of teaching children, in school or at church, and those who feel called to equip others in similar ministries.

Malawi, Southern Africa

Any duration

Leadership Team

Serve to the best of our God-given abilities in the area of administration and leadership, enabling our team to focus on their ministries, supporting others to allow them to serve in their respective giftings.

Angola, Southern Africa

Any duration