Rural Church Planting
Our aim is to equip and gather Christians in key rural areas to establish churches. We also actively evangelise through friendship and Bible-based ministries.
Many areas of Paraguay are unreached by the gospel and have no evangelical witness. These areas also suffer from a lack of resources and services. Are you a doctor, nurse, teacher, mechanic, or other? Many different gifts and talents are helpful to opening doors to the gospel in these communities and meeting physical needs. Presently a doctor, an eye doctor, an appliance repairman, a retired school principle / handyman, a youth pastor, and others are serving and teaching in the countryside. If you feel called to Paraguay but do not see your profession or gifts mentioned please contact your nearest SIM office to see how you might put them to good use for the love of Christ in Paraguay.
Come and Serve
Medical Personnel of all kinds (nursing or MDs)
Media Specialist
Web Designer
Recording Director
Bible Teachers and Translators
For the Lord to raise up evangelists and church planters from existing rural SIM churches to go to communities where He is not known.
For the Lord to raise up evangelists and church planters from existing rural SIM churches to go to communities where He is not known.
For our missionaries to have the health and stamina required for rural living.
For our missionaries to have the health and stamina required for rural living.
For our missionaries to have a growing dependence on the Holy Spirit and an increasing boldness to call on God for the seemingly impossible.
For our missionaries to have a growing dependence on the Holy Spirit and an increasing boldness to call on God for the seemingly impossible.
Related stories
Joyous celebrations mark 100 years of SIM in Niger
Church and mission leaders from across Niger joined a series of joyous celebrations across the nation to mark 100 years of SIM work in the country this week (December 2-9).
Other Ministries from this Country
Our goal as a ministry team is to see missionaries flourishing with quality administration and member care.
Advance Mission
Mobilisation of Malawian churches for the sending of Malawians into cross-cultural ministry, leading to the establishment of sending agencies in Malawi, one of which could be SIM.
Americas Leadership & Development Conference
This conference will bring together the SIM directors who serve in Latin America to provide leadership development and training.
Apurímac Church Planting and Discipleship
Under the Christian organization AIDIA, Peruvian believers and SIM missionaries seek to see churches planted and believers discipled into mature Christians in the rural villages of Apurímac. In this region only 8 percent of the villages have an evangelical church.
Asunción Guest House & Conference Centre
The aim of this Guest House & Conference Centre in Asunción is to provide a place where rural SIM missionaries may stay and rest when in the capital city as well as providing a large meeting place.
Biblical Literature
Creation or translation and printing and making available of Biblical literature in the north of Mozambique.
Bingham Academy
This ministry provides quality Christian education for the children of missionaries and others who seek to make a kingdom impact in Ethiopia.
Building Peace & Reconciliation
BRiCC is a community centre in central Jos that aims to build peace and reconciliation through relationships.
Centro Evangélico de Medicina do Lubango Womens Health Centre
The intent of Centro Evangélico de Medicina do Lubango (CEML) is to build and equip a Women’s Health Centre on the hospital site.
Children's and Youth Ministry
The population of Botswana has a large proportion of young people, and there is great opportunity to reach them through sports ministry, schools work, early childhood development centres and mental health support.
Childrens Outreach and Discipleship
Our aim is to express Christ’s love to the children and youth of Guinea.
Christian Camp Ministry
Camp is an important tool in reaching and discipling youth and leaders in Paraguay. It is the hope to develop more effective camps, utilizing the location, size and design of the camp property and buildings.
Christian Education
The Christian Education ministry seeks to reach children, one of Niger’s most vulnerable groups, with the good news of Jesus Christ.
Christian School Ministry
Centro Educativo Internacional is a Christian school that shares the good news with Paraguayans through English language and other opportunities.
Church Engagement
SIM Canada is embarking on a long-term strategy to boost missionarynumbers in our churches through several objectives.
Church Leadership Training
Train servant leaders who love the Lord Jesus and who are competent in various ministry skills.
Church Partnerships
To facilitate more churches in Australia to fulfill Christ’s global mission and cross-cultural mission locally.
Church Planting
Our focus is to plant churches among the urban poor in Colombo, especially amongst the Tamil-speaking people