Enock's bravery after an attack

By Tianna Haas | International

Enock receiving balls for the ministry from the Sports Friends Malawi office.

Sports Friends coordinator Enock Gondwe’s* courage after a violent machete attack proved to be a powerful witness to the gospel in Malawi.

He was due to lead a Sports Friends camp on the eastern side of the country when a hostile group of men brutally beat him. They left him with a serious gash to his forearm, which exposed the bone and required many stitches.

Pushing ahead with camp

Enock’s colleagues advised him to postpone the camp until he could recuperate, but he was determined to go ahead, saying: “No, there's nothing that can stop the work of the Lord. The camp has to continue.”

Although Enock struggled to overcome weakness from his injury, he courageously facilitated the programmes and connected with the young athletes.

Sports Friends’ Malawi director, Fostance Mtolo, said: “He showed us how much he loves the Lord as well as God's people. He forgot about himself and the pain he was going through, and he put God first.”

During the week, Enock shared the story of his attack with the campers. It inspired a mix of emotions – some were touched, and some were shocked.

Because Enock wasn’t fearful or discouraged by the event, they shared in his confidence that God protects his children and is worthy of faithful service.

Enock could not identify his attackers, but many in his community suspected the assault was religiously motivated. He has introduced many young people to Jesus through athletics, which has caused them to leave the area’s majority religion. Enock has also assisted with two church plants in the heart of the community, and some religious leaders have felt threatened by this.

The camp’s impact

Sports Friends welcomed multiple new Jesus followers into God’s family at the camp, and Enock’s bold faith allowed him to play a pivotal role in their stories.

Enock’s arm has healed at a surprising speed, and despite the extent of the injury, he has avoided infection. He now has a distinct scar, but it serves as a reminder to him of God’s power.

He said: “My arm will be a destructive weapon into the kingdom of the devil. Every time I lift my arm up, many will be able to see that heaven is opened for them.”

Pray for:

• Enock’s continued healing and safety.

• God to protect Jesus followers in Malawi as they share the good news of salvation with their neighbours.

• More campers to get involved with Sports Friends and respond to the gospel.

Support Sports Friends

Sports Friends demonstrates Jesus’ love through athletics. The bond that youths and coaches can build in this setting is a valuable ministry opportunity. Will you help Sports Friends continue being the light of Christ to young people and their families? You can partner with their ministry through prayer or donations – or you can serve on a Sports Friends team!

To make a financial contribution, find the donation button below and enter the project number: #99803. Visit the Sports Friends website to learn more about how sports and the gospel go hand-in-hand.

*Name changed

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